Tales from a THIRD SPACE: vice
Berlin / Mexico City
Alke Brinkmann
Susanne Britz
Thilo Droste
Saeed Foroghi
Nathalie Grenzhaeuser
Harriet Gross
Gabriele Künne
Jorge Lopes
Matthias Moravek
Enrico Niemann
Maja Rohwetter
Opening: March 30, 2024, 12 - 6 pm
Exhibition: March 31 - April 15, 2024
EL PALMAR - Mexico City
TALES FROM A THIRD SPACE is an intercultural dialogue between the project spaces El Palmar (Mexico City) and Axel Obiger - space for contemporary art (Berlin), intending to enable artists of both spaces to meet at eye level in a non-commercial environment, to introduce production and living conditions on site and to gain insights into art and culture-related differences, perspectives and perceptions.
The project`s main idea is based on the theory of the so-called “Third Space” by theorist Homi K. Bhabha, meaning that exchange creates a common ideal place in which new content can be developed collaboratively without any hierarchical structure. This place is as dynamic as it is changeable and limited in time.
TALES FROM A THIRD SPACE is divided into Chapters. It all starts with Chapter1: vice, which will be combining a 14-day artist residency of six members of Axel Obiger with a presentation and an artist talk at Galeria de dibujo at El Palmar. Chapter1: vice intends to introduce the Berlin based artists into the local art scene of Mexico City. It will also include lectures, studio visits and artist dinners in order to open up an intense dialogue between Axel Obiger, El Palmar and the local art scene.
The exchange with El Palmar is Axel Obiger`s first collaboration with a space in Mexico. It deals with the artistic production and living conditions of both metropoles and focuses on global transformation processes viewed from each culturally shaped perspective. In Chapter1: vice, stories (TALES) will be traveling with the artists from Berlin across the Atlantic in order to draw a direct link to Mexico as a country of immigration with its countless migrant biographies, all including their individual stories and projections connected to Mexico. The show at Galeria de dibujo at El Palmar will be containing these imported narratives and memories to bring all aspects together, both historical and fictional, individual and collective.
Chapter1: vice will feature works by Alke Brinkmann, Susanne Britz, Thilo Droste, Saeed Foroghi, Nathalie Grenzhaeuser, Harriet Gross, Gabriele Künne, Jorge Lopes, Matthias Moravek, Enrico Niemann and Maja Rohwetter. They will all show selected works, part of them being site specific, realized during their stay in Mexico City.
Edison 137, Col. San Rafael
Mexico City
Link to exhibition Tales from a THIRD SPACE Chapter2: versa - Berlin